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Keras For Deep Learning.

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Keras is a wrapper that works on top of Theano or Tensor flow. Keras serves all basic needs as well as provides fine granular control over every thing needed.

I personally like Keras because of it’s following qualities:

1) API design

Keras is having well defined functions, with required and optional parameters. Keras is providing basic as well as advance function for all most everything. I would like to give you one example for the same.

Fit – to train small data Evaluate – to Evaluate trained model Predict – to predict using trained model predict_classes – to predict classes predict_proba – to get class probability, on which one can apply custom threshold train_on_batch – to train bigger data batch by batch, loads smaller chunks of data in main/GPU memory test_on_batch - to test bigger data batch by batch, loads smaller chunks of data in main/GPU memory predict_on_batch - to predict bigger data batch by batch, loads smaller chunks of data in main/GPU memory Generators are used to generate Train/Test data on the fly. E.g. to train images we often apply random transformations (vertical shift, horizontal shift, blur) to generate bigger set of images. These transformation are applied by generator function as and when data is requested for training instead of pre-processing all images and storing them in advance. Such three functions are provided by Keras.

a. fit_generator

b. evaluate_generator

c. predict_generator

2) Documentation is awesome

Keras is well maintained and in sync with the current development of its bases(theano & tensorflow). Documentation is near to perfect with each and every class is described properly.

3) Community Support

As Keras is in open source domain, with close to 400+ contributor on git-hub. With continuous involvement of people in it, max bugs are getting resolve as soon as encounters and offers better experience day by day.

4) Add-on development

Keras is add on friendly. Few days before I was looking for stacking Convolution on top of LSTM, but duee to diamention mis-match it was not possible, I got a custom function from community which in-turn helped me in completing the task.

With Keras one can design custom layers, custom evaluation function, custom early stopping.

In short Keras is awesome for beginners as welll as experts.

Once we choose Keras, we have another choice to make Theano OR Tensorflow ??

Both are best but still have some differences :



It is more stable compare to Tensorflow for CNN and LSTM

Python and Numpy Support

LSTM and RNNs fit nicely without much hiccups

Supports multiple GPU


Raw Theano is somewhat low-level

Error messages comes without much description

Large models like VGG16 (CNN) can have long compile time.



Python and Numpy Support

Much Faster compile times than Theano

It provides visualization with tensor board

Tensor board supports drag and drop network creation, really really easy

Slower than other thano


Not many pre-trained models are provided

Computational graph is pure Python, therefore slow

No commercial support

error-prone on large software projects

We will working with Theano mostly, however upon getting any memmory error it is advisable to swich backend and then run the same code again, It really solve the error many time.

Installing and configuring Keras for CPU and GPU

You can also install Keras from PyPI:

sudo pip install keras

For network with bad SSL, you may use following command

pip install --index-url= --trusted-host keras

you may also clone github directry and fire following commands

sudo python install

Keras by defaults install theano and take it as default back-end

To make tensorflow a back-end you need to install tensorflow first. You can follow this link to install tensor flow.

To change backend

1) Go to keras config directory

cd ~/.keras

2) open keras config file keras.json with your favourite editor

nano keras.json

3) In back-end you may choose “theano” or “tensorflow”


"image_dim_ordering": "th",

"epsilon": 1e-07,

"floatx": "float32",

"backend": "theano"


Choosing GPU or CPU

If you have GPU device available and CUDA framwork is installed, keras will detect your GPU automatically and run on GPU. If GPU device is not present or CUDA framework is not installed, Keras will use CPU.


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