Codes discussed in present tutorial can be found on this GitHub repository.
Code Compatibility : Python 2.7, tested on ubuntu 16.04 with theano as backend

String matching is a very conventional problem in computational science. String matching is actually a pattern matching, when a portion p need to be found out from another larger string l. Where p and can be of same length and p may not be an exact sub-string in l. I am not going much deeper in to history and classification of string matching algorithms. Various string matching algorithms can be used for specific purpose. Specialized algorithms are available for partial, multiple and exact string matching. All algorithms works for specific purpose, but single algorithm doesn't do well on all type of string matching. e.g. Levenshtein distance algorithm perform well on string with insertion and deletion but doesn't do well on string with translocation of fragments.
The purpose behind this tutorial is to train machine for matching string having any type of differences (e.g. insertion, deletion and fragment translocation). I have not used any specialized data-set for this tutorial, in fact synthetic data-set was generated for training.
STEP – 1 : Data-set Generation
Data-set is constituted by Original string and a Mutated string; Original string is made up of random 100 characters e.g.
Mutated string is made from Original string with some noise introduced
In above example Original string and a Mutated string are 50% similar, it means out of 100 character in original string 50 are changed randomly (point mutation)
for to constitute data-set, alphanumeric original and mutated strings are randomly generated with random 1 to 100 % mutation.
For to generate data-set. I have taken only capital letters (26) + digits (10). The combination for Number of sample points in set = 100 and Number of sample points in each combination = 36 turn out to be 1.97720458214493E+27. The combination so achieved is an astronomic number and probability of getting a string repeated is absolutely nill.
stringSize = 100 # defining string size maxWordLength = 100
# lets consider 63 basic character, those occur the most # character to integer mapping dictionary charToInt = {'0':0,'1':1,'2':2,'3':3,'4':4,'5':5,'6':6,'7':7,'8':8,'9':9,'A':10,'a':11,'B':12,'b':13,'C':14,'c':15,'D':16,'d':17,'E':18,'e':19,'F':20,'f':21,'G':22,'g':23,'H':24,'h':25,'I':26,'i':27,'J':28,'j':29,'K':30,'k':31,'L':32,'l':33,'M':34,'m':35,'N':36,'n':37,'O':38,'o':39,'P':40,'p':41,'Q':42,'q':43,'R':44,'r':45,'S':46,'s':47,'T':48,'t':49,'U':50,'u':51,'V':52,'v':53,'W':54,'w':55,'X':56,'x':57,'Y':58,'y':59,'Z':60,'z':61 ,' ':62,'.':63}
# integer to character mapping dictionary
intToChar = {v: k for k, v in charToInt.iteritems()}
def string_generator(size=stringSize, chars=string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits): """ will generate random string """ return ''.join(random.choice(chars) for _ in range(size))
def mutator(originalString, percentageMutation): """ will take a string and mutate it as per percentage specified """ originalStringArray = list(originalString) for i in range(percentageMutation): # print originalStringArray randomPlace = random.randint(0,len(originalString)-1) randomLetter = random.choice(string.letters) originalStringArray[randomPlace] = randomLetter return "".join(originalStringArray)
STEP-2 String Representation
In present tutorial we are going to utilize convolution network. Convolution network are found to produce state of are result in area of image processing. As per my intuition, if strings are represented in form of image then convolution network should performs better there too. Similar images often having point or local differences, still Convolution network perform better. Similarly string may have point local differences. Convolution network also perform better on images with horizontal/vertical shifts and rotational difference. These difference are similar to string with transnational differences.
def giveWordmatrix(word): """ will generate 2d matrix of the string, which will be an input to convolutional network word : is a string given to function """ #2d matrix of size 100*63 initilaized with all cell having value "false" tempMatrix = np.zeros((maxWordLength, 63),dtype=bool) charNo=0 for charNo in range (0,len(word)): if charNo < maxWordLength: try: try: # for above defined 63 character, if character exists then "true" is placed in place characterToIndex = int(word[charNo]) tempMatrix[charNo][characterToIndex]=True charNo += 1 except: characterToIndex = charToInt[word[charNo]] tempMatrix[charNo][characterToIndex]=True charNo += 1 except: tempMatrix[charNo][0]=False return tempMatrix
# lets do little visualization
# generating new string originalString = string_generator() # print originalString # mutating the same string randomly prcentageMutation = random.randint(0,100) mutatedString = mutator(originalString,prcentageMutation)
# genearting 2d matrix for original string originalStringMatrix = giveWordmatrix(originalString) # genearting 2d matrix for mutated string mutatedStringMatrix = giveWordmatrix(mutatedString)
# visualizing original and muataed string print ("Original String") pyplot.imshow(toimage(originalStringMatrix)) #showing first image print ("Mutated String") pyplot.imshow(toimage(mutatedStringMatrix)) #showing first image

Figure 1. Original and mutated string is shown as in form of image
Above image was generated with about 50% mutation, you can clearly see, about 50% points are same and remaining are different. For each such 2D representation, on vertical axis 0 - 100 represent each character in string, each character is mapped to corresponding number between 0 – 63 as defined in dictionary above.
STEP – 3 Model Architecture
I always believe in designing model, in the similar way as human thinks. Consider an scenario when we have been given two strings as above and asked to find similarity between them. How we think? Repetitively see two strings and try to find out difference between them. Right??.

Figure 2. Model Architecture for string matching task
Our model architecture is having two model works in parallel. Each model using convolution network generate a condensed representation of the given strings and finally such representation are merged to final model which is stacked dense layer of deep neural network. The final out put is class value between 0 to 100, class value also represents similarity between two strings.
While training such model, two strings are provided, one to each model. Lets say string 1 was provided to model A and mutated string 2 with 20% mutation is provided to model B. The reference class value provide in such case would be 80 (100 – 20), represents similarity between two strings.
The overall model definition in keras is as given below
# defining model
# model2 will take original string model2 = Sequential() model2.add(Convolution1D(64, 3, border_mode='same', input_shape=(100, 63,))) model2.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_length=2)) model2.add(Convolution1D(nb_filter=128,filter_length=3,border_mode='valid',activation='relu')) model2.add(Flatten()) model2.add(Dense(64, activation='relu')) model2.add(Dropout(0.5)) model2.add(Dense(32, activation='sigmoid')) # model2.summary()
# model1 will take mutated string model1 = Sequential() model1.add(Convolution1D(64, 3, border_mode='same', input_shape=(100, 63,))) model1.add(MaxPooling1D(pool_length=2)) model1.add(Convolution1D(nb_filter=128,filter_length=3,border_mode='valid',activation='relu')) model1.add(Flatten()) model1.add(Dense(64, activation='relu')) model1.add(Dropout(0.5)) model1.add(Dense(32, activation='sigmoid'))
# both model merges merged = Merge([model1, model2], mode='concat') # final model will decide final result final_model = Sequential() final_model.add(merged) final_model.add(Dense(64)) final_model.add(Activation('tanh')) final_model.add(Dense(64)) final_model.add(Activation('tanh'))
final_model.add(Dense(100, activation='sigmoid')) final_model.summary()
# compiling model final_model.compile(optimizer='sgd', loss='categorical_crossentropy',metrics=['mse'])
we will be using stochastic gradient descent as optimizer. Categorical cross-entropy was used as loss function as it is performs better in multi class classification. Instead of accuracy I have used mean squared error as performance metrics. There is a specific reason behind this trick, as this is multi-class class classification you would not get higher accuracy and low accuracy discourages, but one can see clear decrease in mean squared error after each iteration. In this problem our aim is to predict exact similarity between two strings, if not possible then predicted similarity should be closest to original class.
STEP 4 - Actual Training
Unlike other tutorial we do not have exact data-set on which we iterate repeatedly and try to fit. New data-set is generated at each iteration by repeatedly calling string_generator and random mutations are performed on it. In this manner no data is repeated for training. This practice makes model versatile, however takes longer training time. Please go though below given code, it is to the point and easily understandable
# file to watch intermediate results testFileOut = open("intermediate_results.txt","w")
# repeate for 5000 iterations, you may change this for times in range(10000): originalStringArray = [] # to keep original strings mutatedStringArray = [] # to keep mutated strings percentageSameArray = [] response = [] # to keep percentage simillarity between original and mutated strings print times # every time new 10000 strings and their mutated strings are generated and kept in RAM for batchOf in range(10000): # generating origianl string originalString = string_generator() #randomly deciding percentage mutation prcentageMutation = random.randint(1,100) #100(stringSize) - mutation = percentage simillarity between original and muatated string percentageSame = 100-prcentageMutation percentageSameArray.append(percentageSame) #generating mutated string mutatedString = mutator(originalString,prcentageMutation) #generating original string matrix originalStringMatrix = giveWordmatrix(originalString) #appending original string matrix to originalStringArray #after 10000 loops, originalStringArray will be having marix for 10000 original strings originalStringArray.append(originalStringMatrix) #generating mutated string matrix mutatedStringMatrix = giveWordmatrix(mutatedString) #appending mutated string matrix to mutatedStringArray #after 10000 loops, mutatedStringArray will be having marix for 10000 muated strings mutatedStringArray.append(mutatedStringMatrix) #response vector is having %simillarity between original and muatated string #after 10000 loops, response will be having % for above geenrated 10000 original and #corrosponding mutated strings response.append(percentageSame) if times%1000 == 0: # at every 1000 iteration it will dump output to testFileOut; this is to see progress of learning #converting originalStringArray having 10000 strings to numpy boolean array originalStringArray = np.asarray(originalStringArray,dtype = 'bool') # changed nothing in reshape; precautionary originalStringArray = originalStringArray.reshape(originalStringArray.shape[0],originalStringArray.shape[1],originalStringArray.shape[2]) #converting mutatedStringArray having 10000 mutated strings to numpy boolean array mutatedStringArray = np.asarray(mutatedStringArray,dtype = 'bool') # changed nothing in reshape; precautionary mutatedStringArray = mutatedStringArray.reshape(mutatedStringArray.shape[0], mutatedStringArray.shape[1],mutatedStringArray.shape[2]) #converting respose vector to categorical "one hot encoding" #when we use categorical_crossentropy as loss function, converting to "one hot encoding" is must. response = np_utils.to_categorical(response,100) # training[originalStringArray,mutatedStringArray],response,batch_size=10000,nb_epoch=1, verbose=2,validation_split=0.2) # getting probability for intermediate inspection prob = final_model.predict_classes([originalStringArray,mutatedStringArray],verbose=0) # writting to file for eachNo in range(0,len(list(prob))): testFileOut.write(str(prob[eachNo])+"\t"+str(percentageSameArray[eachNo])+"\n") testFileOut.flush() else: # When in pection is not required #converting originalStringArray having 10000 strings to numpy boolean array originalStringArray = np.asarray(originalStringArray,dtype = 'bool') # changed nothing in reshape; precautionary originalStringArray = originalStringArray.reshape(originalStringArray.shape[0],originalStringArray.shape[1],originalStringArray.shape[2]) #converting mutatedStringArray having 10000 mutated strings to numpy boolean array mutatedStringArray = np.asarray(mutatedStringArray,dtype = 'bool') # changed nothing in reshape; precautionary mutatedStringArray = mutatedStringArray.reshape(mutatedStringArray.shape[0], mutatedStringArray.shape[1],mutatedStringArray.shape[2]) #converting respose vector to categorical "one hot encoding" #when we use categorical_crossentropy as loss function, converting to "one hot encoding" is must. response = np_utils.to_categorical(response,100) # training[originalStringArray,mutatedStringArray],response,batch_size=10000,nb_epoch=1, verbose=1,validation_split=0.2)
When I stated training, initially model was clueless about data and ended up predicting one similarity value for all combination of original and mutated strings.

Figure 3. Represents predicted and actual difference in strings with un-trained model
After training model was well learned about the task given and predicted very well on randomly generated original and mutated strings.

Figure 4. Represents predicted and actual difference in strings with trained model
Step 5 - Drill Down
I have conducted an experiment to compare performance of our neural network based string match and Levenshtein distance algorithm. A set of 100 original and mutated string was generated randomly and given to neural network based string match and Levenshtein distance algorithm. I have sorted the result obtained in ascending order of similarity. It is great to note that Levenshtein algorithm fails with string having higher dissimilarity (>75% dissimilarity). However neural network based string match performed equally well for strings with extreme similarity and dissimilarity.

Figure 5. A comparison of predicted string match with predicted match by Levenshtein Algorithm [two string with insertion deletion and updates]
In above given tutorial I have used only point mutation. To see the adaptability of the algorithm I have conducted another set of experiment. Along with point mutation, in the next part of tutorial I have applied random translocation in mutated string.
Below is the example of two string having nearly 80% similarity with point mutation [In Maroon] and translocation difference [Red and Green].
Original String :
Muated String :
To generate such strings I have modified mutator function a little and have added makeRandomFragments which will make random fragment of given string and randomly concatenate these fragments to form a new string.
def makeRandomFragments(string): """ will make random fragment of given string and randomly concatenate these fragments to form a new string. :param string: :return: """ splitted = [] prev = 0 while True: n = random.randint(10,25) splitted.append(string[prev:prev+n]) prev = prev + n if prev >= len(string)-1: break return "".join(list(set(splitted)))
def mutator(originalString, percentageMutation): """ will take a string and mutate it as per percentage specified """ originalStringArray = list(originalString) for i in range(percentageMutation): # print originalStringArray randomPlace = random.randint(0,len(originalString)-1) randomLetter = random.choice(string.letters) originalStringArray[randomPlace] = randomLetter return makeRandomFragments("".join(originalStringArray))
To train a new model to adapt to learn translocation related changes in the string, I have trained a new model by a method called as transfer learning. In transfer learning some previous model which was trained for the similar task to the current one is taken and weight are readjusted by retraining . This method takes less time in comparison to make model learn from beginning.
After completing the training I have compared result of neural network based method with Levenshtein algorithm. What i found was amazing , Levenshtein algorithm performed very poorly on randomly string having high simillarity but randomly trans-located and on string having high mutation. But our method worked well on both parts.

Figure 6. A comparison of predicted string match with predicted match by Levenshtein Algorithm [two string with translation if fragments along with insertion deletion and updates]
You can clearly see yellow line [Levenshtein method] fails on strings having 1) High similarity but random translocation and; 2) Strings having high mutation. In both the cases our method was better adapted.