Prerequisites : Good hands on experience with h2o

H2o (, developed a really cool and lucid way to integrate machine learning in any application. When I begun learning machine-learning 3 years before, I started it with h2o. h2o core engine is JVM but provides api fir python, R, scala. h2o goes well with single machine but It also supports distributed computing on spark.
Although standalone mode runs fine, it creates problem with large data-set when model size goes beyond 256mb. As per h2o memory requirement it is said that, h2o require 4 times memory then size of data-set for optimum performance. For above said reason its better to deploy h2o on spark and use it by whichever API you want.
In present tutorial we will deploy sparking water (a version of h2o compatible to spark) on cluster running spark and will run machine learning algorithms on spark cluster with python.
Here I have two machines, a local machine and a remote server with ip address
Before doing anything we will download required packages
1) Download Required packages
1) Download spark from -
choose spark release and package type according to given screenshot :

2) Download sparkling water from -
Upon downloading 1 and 2, transfer those to remote machine (server) and un-zip/un-tar both packages in /home/ directory.
2) Setting spark path on server
1) go to /home
2) issue a command sudo nano .bashrc
3) add following lines to end of the file to set spark path
export SPARK_HOME=/home/$USER/spark-2.0.0-bin-hadoop2.6 PATH=${SPARK_HOME}/bin:${PATH} export PATH
3) Running h2o on spark
1) go to /home/$USER/sparkling-water-2.0.0/bin
2) Issue following commands
we will make cluster of 1 slave and 2 core, for ease of understanding. You can go as many slave as you have in spark cluster practically.
export MASTER="local-cluster[1,2,1024]"
sparkling-shell --conf "spark.executor.memory=1g"
You will see following output :

This will leave you to a scala shell, where you need to fire following commands in order to form a h2o cloud.
import org.apache.spark.h2o._ val h2oContext = new H2OContext(sc).start() import h2oContext._
You will see following out for 3 of the above commands.

Now h2o is up and running at
4) Connecting to h2o at using python From local machine
For to handel preprocessing locally h2o require a local version of it, so we will first install h2o locally.
to install h2o locally, use following command.
pip install h2o==
Upon installation, make a file called and copy paste following line in to it.
import h2o
h2o.connect(ip="", port=54323)
You will see following output if got connected successfully
/home/XYZ_us/anaconda2/bin/python /home/user1/PycharmProjects/CAS/transKnock/ Connecting to H2O server at successful. -------------------------- -------------------------------- H2O cluster uptime: 1 hour 22 mins H2O cluster version: H2O cluster version age: 1 month and 25 days H2O cluster name: sparkling-water-sunil_-750106481 H2O cluster total nodes: 1 H2O cluster free memory: 401.7 Mb H2O cluster total cores: 24 H2O cluster allowed cores: 24 H2O cluster status: locked, healthy H2O connection url: H2O connection proxy: Python version: 2.7.11 final -------------------------- --------------------------------
Process finished with exit code 0
Add few more lines to the (we are applying deep learning with 3 hidden layers of size 10,10,10 and looking at the performance)
For the same purpose you will require iris.txt file which you can get it from
from h2o.estimators.deeplearning import H2ODeepLearningEstimator trainFile = "iris.txt" trainFrame = h2o.upload_file(trainFile, header=-1, sep=",") r = trainFrame.runif(seed=13) # Random UNIForm numbers, one per row train = h2o.upload_file(trainFile) splits = train.split_frame(ratios=[0.75], seed=1234) dl = H2ODeepLearningEstimator(activation="Tanh", hidden=[10, 10, 10], epochs=10, seed=13, hidden_dropout_ratios=[0.5,0.5,0.5]) dl.train(x=[0,1,2,3], y=4, training_frame=splits[0]) predictedProabability = dl.predict(splits[1]) probabilityList = h2o.as_list(predictedProabability, use_pandas=False) print probabilityList
Here we are done with the tutorial!! If you get any error please comment, I will be more than happy to solve it.